08 July 2018

Smaller than normal number of fishermen this month, due to others off holidaying, etc.

A total of 11 species were caught, so well done to all.

Mystery Fish jackpotted.

  Boat Winners

1st Place: Ged Woodcock (80)
2nd Place: Stuart Barnes (62)
3rd Place: Bert Straw (37)
4th Place: Dave Eadie (37)

  Boat Results

  Points Species Weight Butterfish Dhufish Flathead Goatfish Herring KG Whiting Sand Whiting Skippy Tailor Tarwhine
(1st) Ged Woodcock 80 8 5.564 0.318 3.838  - - 0.130 1.050  0.142  0.404 0.514 0.252
(2nd) Stuart Barnes 62 7 2.976 0.212 2.314 0.354 - 0.144  - 0.138 0.380 - 0.392
(3rd) Bert Straw 37 5 0.812 0.364 - - - 0.110 - 0.090 0.612  - 0.146
(4th) Dave Eadie 37 5 0.650 0.212 - - 0.270 0.088 - 0.108 0.454 - -
Alan Taylor 28 4 0.534 0.352 - - - - - 0.094 0.440 - 0.284
Jamie Straw 20 3 0.558 0.412 - - - - - 0.068 0.490 - -
Gary Waterman 7 1 0.126 - - - - - - 0.126 - - -

  Board Prizes

Herring Stuart Barnes (0.144)
KG Whiting Ged Woodcock (1.050)
Sand Whiting Ged Woodcock (0.142)
Skippy Bert Straw (0.612)
Dhufish Ged Woodcock (3.838)
Boat Prize: Bert Straw
Raffle Winner: Derek Smith
Members Draw: Jackpotted
