March 2019 News

2019 Spit Roast
Aproxmately 30 members enjoyed our 2019 Spit Roast evening. Hosted by Bob and Kay, the meat was beautifully prepared and cooked by Bert and Dave E. A tasty meal was followed by a raffle and an evening of music an social merriment. Thank you to everyone who contributed to a great evening. Further pictures on Facebook...

2019/20 Entertainment Books - Coming very soon
The new 2019/20 Entertainment Memberships will be launched very soon! If you preorder from us now, not only will you be helping MDSSC fundraising, but you will also benefit from the fabulous Early Bird Offers. If you are unsure - just speak to anyone who purchased membership last year! Or contact me at I saved in excess of $500 last year by using Entertainment vouchers