February 2020 Events

February Fishing Competition
Weather permitting this event will be held on Sunday 2nd February, 2020.
Stand-by date will be Sunday 9th February, 2020.
Weigh-in 4.30 pm.
Don't forget to login with Captain on morning of the Comp, and keep an eye on the BOM weather warning page (link in the footer below), as any strong wind warning for any part of the Comp day for Perth Local Waters (not Perth Coastal), will result in the Comp being cancelled.

Cervantes Fishing Weekend
Thanks to Ryan this is on Fri 21/2 to Sun 23/2.
Fri 21/2 - Arrive whenever. Dinner possibly at Tavern, own cost.
Sat. 22/2 - Early start for the fishermen. Ryan has a tractor to help launch and retrieve.
Sat night. - BBQ at Ryan's, organised by the ladies. Please BYO drinks.
Sun. 23/2 - Leave to go home at your leisure.
Anymore info - see Cheryl at the Club on Friday nights, please put your name on list for BBQ, for catering purposes.