09 February 2025

5 Boats, 12 Competitors.  Conditions not so good.

Welcome to a new Competitor,  Danny Connolly.

 Thank you to Dave and Denise for the hamburgers.   Also to Janine for her Eats.

Next Month Competition - Sunday 9th March,   Stand-by 16th



  Boat Winners

1st Place: Adrian Vermeer (31)
2nd Place: Bert Straw (30)
3rd Place: Stuart Barnes (28)
4th Place: Jason Garland (26)

  Boat Results

  Points Species Weight Butterfish Flathead Garfish Herring KG Whiting Sand Whiting Skippy Tailor Tarwhine Yellowtail
(1st) Adrian Vermeer 31 6 1.585 0.255 - - 0.095 0.180 0.060 0.600 - 0.395  -
(2nd) Bert Straw 30 6 1.445 0.235 - 0.130 0.125 - 0.065 0.540 - 0.350 -
(3rd) Stuart Barnes 28 5 2.420 - 0.605  0.145  0.190 0.705  - 0.775 - - -
(4th) Jason Garland 26 5 1.075 - - - 0.125 - 0.135 0.465 0.275  - 0.075
Ged Woodcock 23 4 1.945 - - 0.145  0.210  0.570 - 1.020  - - -
Dave Eadie 20 4 0.770 - - - 0.130 - 0.145 0.365 - - 0.130
Troy Gorman 17 3 0.445 - - - 0.115 - 0.195  - - - 0.135 
Danny Connolly 16 3 0.800 0.270  - - - - 0.055 0.475 - - -
Revice Lehman 15 3 0.850 0.245 - - - - 0.080 0.525 - - -
Richard Forster 15 3 0.695 0.265 - - - 0.315 - - - - 0.115
John Connolly 10 2 0.710 0.250 - - - - - 0.460 - - -
Steve Holt 10 2 0.695 0.250 - - - 0.445 - - - - -

  Board Prizes

Flathead Stuart Barnes (0.605)
KG Whiting Stuart Barnes (0.705)
Herring Ged Woodcock (0.210)
Tailor Jason Garland (0.275)
Sand Whiting Troy Gorman (0.195)
Skippy Ged Woodcock (1.020)
Tarwhine Adrian Vermeer (0.395)
Boat Prize: Richard Forster
Raffle Winner: Stan Uren x 2, Elaine Jones
Members Draw: Jackpot. $275 for March Comp.
