June 2021 News

Changes to WA Fishing Rules
Changes to the recreational fishing rules in WA will come into effect on 1 July 2021. Key changes will include:
- Introduction of trip limits: The possession limit of 20kg of finfish fillets remains, but all fillets in excess of 10kg must be from large pelagic species, stored separately with the skin attached.
- Removal of the 30cm minimum fillet length for filleting at sea.
- Update to the definition of whole fish, which can now be cut in two pieces and still be considered as one fish. (For both filleting and whole fish rules, skin will need to be attached while still at sea.)
- Release weights will be required for the master of all fishing boats fishing by line for demersal finfish, anywhere in WA, not just in the West Coast Region. Further information at: http://www.fish.wa.gov.au/.../Recreati.../Pages/default.aspx

2021 Annual Membership Renewal
Existing Members: Please don't forget that your annual membership is due for renewal by 1st July 2021. The Renewal Form is available from this website on the "Membership" tab, or printed copies from our noticeboard at QRSC. Payment can be made by Internet Banking (Instructions are on the form) or in Cash to the Treasurer. Thank you