March 2018 Events

Annual Spit Roast
The annual spit roast night will be held on 3rd March at Simon's house. There will be various meats slow cooked to perfection by our expert chefs!!
If you are interested in attending can you please let Cheryl, Penny or Simon know so we can get an idea of numbers. Tickets will be available to members only for $5 per person (kids free). BYO drinks and if possible could you also bring a chair.
If there are any volunteers to prepare salads etc, could you please let us know.

Mar 2018 Comp
Weather permitting, the March competition will take place on Sunday 11th March, the stand-by date will be 18th March
Weigh in will take place at 4.30pm. As last month’s mystery fish prize did not go, it will roll over to this month making the prize $60.
Don’t forget to login with Bert on the morning of the comp and keep an eye on the BOM weather warning page (link in the footer below), as any strong wind warning for any part of the comp day for Perth Local Waters (not Perth coast) will result in the comp being cancelled.
Happy fishing!!!

State Boats Championship
The 2018 AAA State Boat Championship will be held on Saturday 24th March at Cockburn.
If you are interested in participating then please let Richard (0438 288 979) know as we need to allocate the teams and organise shirts.
In previous years, most competitors travel down on the Friday night and stay in a camp site for an early 06:30 start on Saturday morning. Weigh in usually takes place at 16:30. You can then make a night of it and attend the dinner and presentation or head home after the weigh in.